Sunday, September 12, 2010

Now convert your old dumb phones to smartphones

Last time, the world of cellphones was just one, until the advent of different hardware as well as various operating systems that split this once peaceful universe asunder, categorizing some as smartphones while the rest are, well, dumb. For those who do not have the budget for a smartphone and hence had to make do with a dumbphone all this while, rejoice - there is a new technology known as acoustic fingerprinting which could very well increase the IQ of your dumbphone (figuratively speaking, of course).

Input Dynamics from the UK has delivered the TouchDevice software which will rely on the phone's microphone to listen to the sounds of someone touching the phone, hence determining the exact position where they touch thanks to the spot's unique acoustic signature. This would mean the entire handset will function as an input device, fully well capable of responding to taps, touches and swipes. Does it do multi-touch? No idea on when this will make a debut, but inventor Giovanni Bisutti claims he is currently in talks with "tier-one handset manufacturers, the big ones" concerning software licensing issues. Don't throw out that Nokia 3310 just yet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good article.. thanks for sharng

February 18, 2011 at 11:01 PM  

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